Get closer to nature
We are in a increasing awakening to realize that the most we get closer to nature, not only by visiting and spending time in nature but by living with it, feeding our body with it (e.g. eating fruits, vegetable, non-processed foods), healing our bodies with it (e.g. natural medicines, natural preventive treatments, natural cosmetics), and integrating our lives and souls with its original state, as one with nature.
By us, acknowledging our inherited nature as human beings, part and one with nature, we start looking for ways to incorporate more natural solutions into our lives, we look for healthy and less processed foods, we look for natural way to improve our body and heal chronic conditions in a natural way.
Let us start with one simple thing, our skin. Our skin is our largest organ, precious, beautiful, our protection from the outside elements and our interface with our inner body, our expression of uniqueness, our sense organ. Through the skin we perceive the world to its greatest extend.